Home Technologies 10 AI Technology that’ll Rule in Future

10 AI Technology that’ll Rule in Future


Recently I watched a video where Sofia, the first AI robot was playing a game of rock, paper and scissors. And when she won she said the most troubling thing ever, she said: “this is a good beginning of my plan to dominate the human race.”

Even though the audience took it as a joke but some people disagree. Because Sofia was build to stimulate human conversation and behaviour.

Let’s take a look what technology has already changed..

Artificial Intelligent or AI undoubtedly becomes the centre of attention in this last few days. Ever since Sofia, people have been obsessed with this new technological breakthrough. Even though there is no doubt that it is a revolutionary success for the field but something worse may also follow. Ever since I saw the video, I have some doubts about the intelligent of these robots. With the growth of AI, many important jobs can be replaced by them. If robots start to handle our lives then how secure our future will be?

Although, there are many advantages to hire an AI to do a job like saving money, creating more efficiency in the workplace and finishing work with accuracy. Those are problem factors for human sometimes. If you are finding a job or looking to change your job, you might want to re-think your decision.

Here are the 10 jobs that will be accomplished by AI…

Accountants – This field has already been taken by Smacc, accounting AI. Human will be no longer needed in the finance for punching numbers and keep track of financial records. These jobs will soon be done by humanoids accountant bots in the future. This field is in the top of the chart to be replaced by robotics intelligent just because of the many do-it-yourself programs.

Drivers – Just like keeping everyone’s money in check, riding people to their destination will also be in the hand of automotive. In fact, Google’s automated car Waymo is already doing this job and has logged one billion simulated miles. Soon there will be many of them and human drivers will lose their work because they are much safer, smoother drivers than you and I.

Cashier – Just like accountants, many foods, grocery or supermarkets will have robots to keep the money. You must have already heard about Amazon’s new grocery store where you can take whatever you want from the shelves and leave. The way it works is, you have to download the Amazon Go app and whenever you pick something up in the store the sensors of those shelves will detect it, whether you have returned it back to its place or walked out from the store with it. Unlike this, many places have those huge machines places to self-checkout or a tablet to pay the bill. Although, it is a smarter way but people still prefer to check out with humans than an emotionless robot.

Factory Workers – This is probably not a surprise because machines have been replacing workers in the factory for many years. So that now a much-advanced technology is available, workers are bound to lose their jobs. Apple and Samsung have already replaced 600,000 employees with Foxconn, the supplier of electronics manufacturer. With this rate, future will be filled with robots to maintain our lives for us.

Surgeons – Surgical practise is one of those fields to be the most sensitive one. And involving a mere programmed robot is beyond imagination, but that was before AI. In a recent robotic surgery breakthrough, a robot stitched up pig intestines with its own vision and tools. Despite the fact, that the robot did have help from the human surgeons, the time is nearer when we’ll be healed by the mechanic hands. As a matter of fact, in some hospitals robot plays crucial parts in orthopaedic knee replacements, Lasik eye surgery, and hair transplants.

Couriers – When the evolution of self-driving car has already begun, there should be no surprise when you will be getting your important emails and things from a bot. The fact that it doesn’t take much decision making in the process, using AI will be a good choice. It may will be a slow revolution but Amazon has already started using drones to make their deliveries. This will be a great way for the economic purposes because then companies can stop paying a hefty amount of money to the courier services.Infographic

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Data Entry – This is one of the most crucial jobs in today’s world because businesses across the world are depended on a data-driven system. So, it’s very important to collect the right data And AI can assist to do that more efficiently by reducing human errors.

Scanners will scan the form and documents and then OCR or Optical Character Recognition will identify the text within these files and enter them in the database. It does not only save money without hassle but will be able to save office hours as well.

Telemarketers – As you already know Sofia can stimulate human behaviour and conversation, so telemarketing is more likely than other jobs to become fully under control of Artificial Intelligent. We have already come face to face with Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri who can answer our question easily. Within the next couple of years, robots will be playing telemarketing roles. And it is also possible that they will be able to sell us stuff as well with the help of online data. So, the human-friendly voice will get disappear from the telemarketing industry.

Lawyer – This is a more difficult job to handle by a robot but it is a possibility in the far future. World’s first artificially intelligent lawyer ROSS has already been hired for his first job. And on the other hand, another AI lawyer Case Cruncher Alpha beats 100 top lawyers from a London farm in a fascinating contest. Because it is a machine, Ross can scan through previous data, cases and learn how to serve justice to its users. For which you don’t have to pay a hefty amount of money like you have to do now. So, all in all, the career of lawyers are in serious jeopardy.

Education – To become a good student you need a good teacher. And that is why AI is going to do the job of making our future generation smart. AI robots were built to adapt people’s actions and reactions, so they will be able to read their faces and study their voices to understand their confusion.  To build this kind of attentive robot is tough but not impossible, soon the schools and colleges will be handled by these walking and talking machines.

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However, even after all of these, there are still some jobs only human can do better. For example, creativity is one of those skills that come from the heart, which is not present in a robots system. And the most important job is to of a quality assurance. For as long as technology has been a part of our lives, mistakes were always there. Machines can break down but a human spirit can never be broken.



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