The world is getting advanced by the day and with that, we are equally becoming inactive by sitting in our chairs. In this modern day life most of the job opportunities we have are the ones involving sitting, let it be online work, e-commerce job, any work-from-home job facility or any kind of desk job.
Serious health issues caused by sitting all day…
1. Reduce your years –
Even when we come home from work we barely do anything that involves physical movement. And we should change that as soon as possible because sitting for a big portion of your day in your desk can cause early death. Our neck and back suffer the most from this.
Remedy –
And to avoid these health hazards you should change your sitting position time to time, walk around for at least five minutes in between hours, take small breaks or exercise before or after work.
2. Eye Strain –
Because the bright screen of the computer is right in from of your eyes all the time, having eye strain is very common. This habit can also trigger a headache, blurred vision, temporary burning, itching etc.
Healthy Tips: Make Your Eyesight Stronger with Vitamin A
Remedy –
The remedy for this health issues is having a quality display of sufficient size, you should blink frequently, improve the lighting of your room and you should keep at least one arm length distance from your computer.
3. Bad Posture –
Sitting all day isn’t as bad as hunching over at our desk and leaning in front of the computer. Your slouching can affect spinal ligaments, poor posture can stain spinal disc and start back problems. There is really not a good side of doing a relaxed job, is there?
Remedy –
Sit the right way to protect your spine and avoid the back pain when sitting. Straight your back, keep your feet flat on the ground, relax your shoulder, keep your arms bent at a 90° angle and don’t lean forward. If you start to feel uneasy sitting like this then get up and take a walking break.
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4. Organ Damage –
These were the damages on the outside but internal organs get affected by sitting too. It is a no-brainer that sitting for a long time burns less fat and then blood flow slow down that can easily allow the fatty acid to clog your heart. Prolonged sitting is linked to high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol. Not only this but sitting can trigger problems like colon, endometrial and breast cancer.
Save Your Heart from Blood Cottage & Include Vitamin K in Your Diet
Remedy –
Make sure that you are keeping yourself active and not sitting for more than an hour. Do some desk exercise and increase more movement during the day counteract the damage to your internal organs.
5. Weight gain –
If you have a weight loss goal than forget about it. This shouldn’t be a surprise that sitting won’t make you leaner. When you are standing all your muscles are tight and sitting does the opposite to them. Your stomach will only get bigger and bigger and you will burn 30% fewer calories than other people. Plus some of us mindlessly snack in our desk to avoid boredom, so that is another way of gaining weight at your desk.
Remedy –
If you want to eat than eat healthy, choose from fruits or a healthy snack bar to chew on when you are in a mood for snacking. Also, ditch the elevator, take stairs whenever you have to go somewhere. And once in a while do your job while standing. You have to write something down or look at some important papers, just stand up and do it.
I hope now you all will change your routine after knowing about these dangerous health hazard caused by your desk jobs. You can save some minutes from your day and workout, walk or cycle. You can also walk to your office if it’s near and if not get off the bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way.