Home Technologies The Benefits of Air Cooler over Air Conditioner: A Comprehensive Guide

The Benefits of Air Cooler over Air Conditioner: A Comprehensive Guide


Nothing can give you respite from the sweltering heat in India other than an AC or an air cooler.

However, when it comes to buying one, selecting the right device is vital as both come with their share of advantages and disadvantages. As a result, many prospective buyers seem to be confused. It is very important for the buyer to understand first what is air cooler and what is the air conditioner.

If you are confused between an air cooler and an air conditioner, then you are not alone. You can simply go through this article to know the difference between an AC and air cooler to make the right decision. Read on! 

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Air coolers vs Air conditioners – Here’s how you can decide

Air coolers are an economical option than an AC

The price of an air conditioner in India may range between Rs.25,000 and Rs.60,000. On the other hand, the cost of an air cooler is between Rs.4,000 and Rs.15,000. Not only the buying cost, but the cost of operating an air cooler is also much lower than an AC. An air cooler consumes up to 80% less electricity than an AC. Also, an air cooler consumes only 30% more power than a ceiling fan.

Example – If you are paying electricity bills of up to Rs.2,000 per month on using an AC, the same will be Rs.500 for an air cooler. Hence, if you are looking for an economical alternative to beat the heat, then buying an air cooler is a smart option. In India, you can find many leading brands offering different air coolers in multiple price ranges. You can opt for one as per your needs and budget. 

Air coolers don’t need any installation

Air coolers don’t require you to get them installed before you can start using them. You can simply fill water in the tank and plug the power button to begin experiencing cool air instantly. For air conditioners, you can’t start using them after buying unless installed. You need to make proper adjustments in the window and wall in case of the window and split ACs to install them. You may also need some extra wiring and a stabilizer to ensure proper operations without issues.

Air coolers need continuous maintenance

We are not talking here about cleaning maintenance. We are emphasizing on an air cooler’s working methodology which requires you to fill water continuously. Water is the coolant for an air cooler, and if you don’t fill it, you won’t get cool air. On the other hand, an AC is fitted with refrigerant to ensure cooling instantly. You only need to get the servicing done once or twice a year for long-lasting performance.        

Air coolers are eco-friendly compared to ACs

An air cooler pulls out outside air to run in via the water-soaked cooling pads to throw cool air via the blowers/fan to make the inside temperature relaxed. An air conditioner uses inside air of the room which leads the compressor to generate heat. It leads to making the outer environment hotter. An air cooler uses water as the coolant which is not dangerous for the environment. But, the coolants of an AC are dangerous for increasing global warming.

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Benefits of Air Cooler over Air Conditioner

Air coolers fail in coastal and high humid areas

It is the biggest disadvantage of air coolers. They are ineffective in coastal areas, and places with high humidity and the reason for it is the way air coolers work. With air in such areas already having high humid level, it leaves no space for extra water. As a result, air coolers fail in such areas. Hence, an air conditioner is the best option in such places.

Air coolers deliver fresh air

An air cooler circulates the fresh air as it pulls outside air to cool it down. On the other hand, an AC uses inside air to make it cool. As a result, the air released by an AC is not as fresh as compared to air coolers. It is one of the reasons that air coolers are considered safe for Asthma and Dust allergy patients.

Air Coolers are much in Demand in Rural Areas

Due to the pricing factor of air conditioners, air coolers have always been in the rural areas because people of rural areas easily afford the air coolers, although they are not aware of the modern coolers which are advanced and easy to operate as well. One factor is also there that air cooler works in rural areas because those areas are much wider and have large spaces as compared to the urban areas. The chances of getting fresh air and provide better air quality in rural areas are slightly high.

You just went through the comparison between an air cooler and an Air conditioner.

Based on the findings, it is up to you to opt for either air cooler or an AC as per your needs and budget.

If you live in an area such as a coastal one with high humidity, then it will be good to opt for an air conditioner. People who are away from the sea and living in areas with higher temperatures but without humidity can opt for an air cooler.

However, purchasing an AC, or air cooler and paying their prices upfront may hurt your expenses.

Hence, you can make the most of an easy buying option.

Conclusion: Above all the points which are stated, have both advantages and disadvantages. Now its all depends on the people who are looking to buy these appliances. It must keep in the mind of the buyer that he must check the prices and features of all the latest models of air conditioners and air coolers. With the rapid change in technology, air coolers are also getting advanced and are giving tough competition to the air conditioners in remote areas.



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