Home Inspiration Failure – Not Opposite to Success but Part of Success

Failure – Not Opposite to Success but Part of Success


Do you consider failure as your rival,whom you feel you can’t conjure and  therefore you have completely given up on it .  Then,let me tell you that no one has ever escaped failure. Only that person wins the battle who learns from failure.

True failure is when you give up on it and stop putting any efforts.It’s quite possible, you were about to procure the glory of success but just could not achieve because you quit, just before acquiring the aim.So remember, you only fail when you stop trying.

Do you remember when you started playing a game,say badminton. And you could hardly strike a shuttlecock on your first attempt. Did you abdicate? Or you started practising and worked on it till you trained the game.

Same way, failures is bottom-line for success. You can’t experience success until you know what failure is. So, don’t let your distraught thoughts rule you and become hurdle in your path of success. Be optimistic, and see the brighter side of failure. Have a look what you would have missed if you where not the evidence of failure.

  • Failure is Your Teacher

    person-succeed-who-learns-from-failureOne learns something new out of experiences and failure is oneof them.You grow, become mature and your point of view changes. And whenever you are in same situation, you know how to handle it and how to react to it.

  • Overcome Limits

    Once you fail, you gather back the strength and stand up again and complete the task successfully. You explore yourself more,you come out of your comfort level and try to do innovations. And the aftermath is your verge expands.

  • Emotionally Improve

    Failure leaves a great impact emotionally on everyone, even the most successful people. The optimistic part in failure is to improve yourself.Even if, you face failure again and again remember that it’s not the end. The best is yet to happen. And when you understand this, you will become emotionally strong.

  • You See the Real Face

    One who stand at time of your failure is the one who truly loves you. Such people will support you, give you strength and give a way out from failure. Rest will simply leave you.

  • You face Your Loopholes

    Evaluate yourself when you fail. It is only then, you will become aware of your drawbacks. Make a list of your imperfection and start working on it.

  • Learn Time Management

    Time is the most expensive thing in world. Once passed away, never comes back. Through failure, you learn the importance of time. And schedule your events accordingly. The urgent and important work has to be done right away and the least important work can be left to be done later . You learn how to set the course of your actions.

  • Success is not All in All

    Contrary to failure, you learn, once successful that it is not success that is important. But, the things, the action which ultimately led to success, is of due important.It is better to make a thousand failures than to be too cowardly to ever undertake anything. See positive in everything and see how life change.



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