Jealousy is an emotion that makes people go nuts. It’s like a cute gesture, especially in a girl. We all know what lousy jealousy means in a women’s life.

Bad Jealousy is what makes people do crazy things, alright. Bad Jealousy can take a lousy shape if not handled right. Therefore, ladies, it’s time for you to understand why we should leave out the worst jealousy. It will help us to be the best version we can be of ourselves.

Jealousy comes from self-doubt about own self about abilities, skills, and failures. Jealousy always brings the worst out of a person and causes them to do things that will be regretted.

Following is the list that girls usually do in envy.


It is complicated to understand women jealousy because they can easily hide their emotions. They comfortably rest and do weird things.

On the other hand, guys are not like that as they cannot hide their feelings. In usual times, when a girl is feeling jealous, it is hard to talk to a girl.

Women lie

Sudden mood changes

When a woman is jealous her mode changes dramatically. A girl’s mood can change all of a sudden when you either try to talk or flirt with any other girl. Girls are moody in a natural way. But men will find out when they are jealous as they will start acting strange. This is something what men hate about women in a relationship.

Ask a friend to stalk

She might ask her friend to stalk you if she wants to know about what you do all the time. Sometimes it would be safe as you have no idea about it. Most of the girls do this to see who you meet and talk to when they are not around you. That’s why you may need best friends in life..

Ignore him

An undeniable sign of jealousy is when she ignores you. As usual time girls also play hard to get when they are feeling insecure. Moreover, they will not talk to you unless you show them a lot of efforts to impress and please them. A bonus tip does not give up unless they get convinced.

Flirting with other men

The moment a girl finds out that you are not noticing her, she tries to make a way to grab your attention. The time when she starts flirting with other guys, she understands that she is jealous. She does this so that you get jealous and see if you care for her.

Talk about other guys in front of him

A visible sign of women jealousy is also talking about other guys when she talks about them in front of you. Whenever a girl is jealous, she will also make you feel insecure and wants to find out how you react if they react in this way.

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Pretends to be too busy

Sometimes when girls are jealous they try pretending that they are working without having a break. For instance, if you both are out with friends and you talk to other girls, she will try to pretend to be busy by scrolling through her phone.

Clingy behaviour

None of the girls would want other girls to stick around their respective boyfriends. Girls are territorial and do not want any other girls near them. This is the main reason girls start acting clingy in a relationship.

Creates a dummy account

Girls tend to feel paranoid sometimes and try to find ways to stalk their partners on social media. So, one of the popular ideas is to create a dummy account, so that she can find out more about the girl she is jealous.

Posts hot selfie

Hot selfies is the weapon when she tries to grab their boyfriend’s attention in the wrong way. They get a sudden need to post some of their hot selfies. So that guys know that other guys would love to be with her and also find out their reactions.

Passing out negative comments about other girls

Whoever is the girl she is jealous of, she is not going to say positive things about her for obvious reasons. No matter how unreal it is, she will still try to belittle her. She would mention to her boyfriend about how she has had other boyfriends in college in a casual way.

Keeping a check on his phone like a spy

Girls do have a detective side in them. So whenever they are jealous because of your actions, she will not think before checking your phone. No matter how protected your phone is, she will find a way to get the information she wants.

Faking about ill-health

There is no better way to grab your partner’s attention than to say that you are sick, and you need him. Maybe she wants to stop you from going somewhere. So, she will try to fake an illness and ask you to take care of her.

Talking in a sarcastic way

There are a few girls who always make use of phrases in a sarcastic way when they speak to you. Moreover, if they are jealous of something, then she will do this plus roll her eyes as well. She might also slightly grin or might laugh loudly towards you.  

Not all girls entertain jealousy in their hearts or minds for obvious reasons. Moreover, guys can also be jealous and do more weird things than girls do in jealousy. Why are you still single? The answer to this question is, you might not know how to win a girl’s heart when they are jealous. Thus, it leads to more relationship problems.

Jealousy is also an emotion felt by all. This mainly occurs in the situation ‘how to manage a long-distance relationship’ because there is no physical presence of your loved ones and when you see other people and have their close ones with them, chances of jealousy are high.

When girls love too much and are afraid to lose them, they feel jealous of every other girl if she talks to your hubby.

So, when it comes to emotional needs, do not shy away.

For girls, it is good to avoid jealously avoid it whether single or in a relationship. Go for the best version of yourself, a version that loves all without expecting in return.


  1. Do we even need to ask this question? Yes, women get jealous!!! We all need to talk about this because it is very important to come together as a society.

  2. Jealousy is such a negative emotion. It really reflects more on the person who is experiencing it than on the other person. Usually the person who is jealous is insecure, although many times they are right to be worried. A good relationship requires trust.

  3. Interesting post, I can definitely relate to a few of those. I was in an unhealthy relationship last year where the communication was bad, so I would definitely get moody and, I’m ashamed to say, I even ignored him once or twice. However, in the end, the best option was to break up because these are all indicators of a relationship that doesn’t feel safe and happy.

  4. Jealousy is such a damaging and toxic influence in a relationship. Looking back, I will admit that I struggled with jealousy in a couple of relationships in the past, but those were also situations where trust wasn’t strong between my partner and I. In my current relationship, I don’t feel threatened if he’s spending time with other women or talking to other women because I know that he wouldn’t do anything that would jeopardize our marriage. He has female friends and I have male friends, and we’re okay with that. That level of trust comes with A LOT of open communication.


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